AI and Accessibility for Disabilities

With its sky-is-the-limit promise, artificial intelligence (AI) is paving the way for transformative changes in our lives. Predominantly, the topic is being discussed in the sense of the workplace, but one area where AI shows incredible potential is in enhancing accessibility for those living with disabilities. From facilitating daily tasks, improving communication and mobility, to real-as-life experiences, AI-driven solutions are empowering people with disabilities to lead more independent and fulfilling lives.

We explore how AI is making a difference now, and in the future.

How can AI help with disabilities?

Smart home devices

AI-powered smart home devices are on the rise. A lot of us know and use voice-activated assistants like Alexa (Amazon) and Google Assistant for their everyday convenience around the home. But with the ability to control lights, thermostats, doors locks and appliances like TVs through simple voice commands, their elimination of manual operation is incredibly empowering to those with a physical disability. Someone with limited mobility is able to adjust room temperature, turn lights on and off, or even make a phone call hands-free, enhancing their independence throughout their home.

Assistive technologies

AI-driven assistive technologies are also providing innovative solutions to overcome barriers faced by individuals with disabilities. There’s AI-powered apps like Be My Eyes that use AI algorithms and live video calls to connect blind or visually impaired users with sighted volunteers who can provide real-time assistance with tasks like reading labels, identifying objects, and more. There’s See Me which is an app designed to increase independence for passengers with disabilities, allowing transport passengers to notify drivers that they want to catch the bus.

Apps aside, there’s also an implant known as Neuralink in development (currently in the first stages of a human trial). This implant can enable thought to carry action, and one day may achieve a symbiotic relationship between humans and artificial intelligence. If Neuralink is successful, millions of people around the world living with paralysis, ALS, Parkinsons and vision impairment, could be assisted.

Communication aids

AI is also playing a crucial role in improving communication for those with speech or hearing impairments. Speech-to-text and text-to-speech translation tools powered by AI enable seamless communication between individuals with different communication needs. Devices like speech-generating devices (SGDs) use AI to interpret input from a user and generate speech, allowing non-verbal individuals to express themselves too.

Accessible transportation

AI transportation solutions are making travel more and more accessible for those with mobility challenges. AI navigation apps like AccessNow provide information about accessible transportation options, including wheelchair-accessible routes, accessible parking spaces, accessible public transit stops, and more.

Autonomous vehicles equipped with AI are giving hope for a safe and convenient transportation method for individuals with disabilities in the future, too.

Virtual reality experience

BioSpine thought-controlled virtual reality is AI technology that can allow those living with a spinal cord injury (SCI) to experience walking again. Co-led by Dinesh Palipana OAM Project BioSpine hopes to “combine virtual reality with electrical muscle stimulation and drug therapy to return movement to those with spinal cord injuries.”

AI can and will transform accessibility for people with disabilities in incredible ways. By harnessing the power of AI technologies, those with a disability can overcome barriers, gain independence, and participate more fully in society. It’s crucial that AI solutions are designed with inclusivity, accessibility, ethics and morals in mind, while prioritising the diverse needs and preferences of users.

With what feels like daily innovation, AI has the potential to create a more inclusive world where everyone can thrive, regardless of their ability. It’s a future we very much look forward to.